Alhamdullilah....hari ini kita brjaya melalui ibadah puasa kita dihari yg pertama.Bg ell sekeluarga kami brbuka ala kadar sahaja,tp terasa nikmatnya.Ell hrp uols smua pn mcm tu jgk.
Cite psl award, kali ni ell dpt award dr kak mieza.Alahai...terharu ell rasa. thnx ya kak...saaaayang akak..rasa nk peluk akak mcm akak ell senirik.yelah... ell kn tk de kakak,abg., mahupn adik...yg ade cuma adik beradik my hubby je...t ols sume anggap ell mcm adik (hubby ank ke-8 dr 9 beradik) senirik dn kasih yg tk brbelah bagi...
so,this poem special 2 all my new friends...
all i ever wanted,
was a friend,
not just any friend,
a special friend.
since then you've become,
nothing to me,
just another person on,
my list to ignore.
i couldn't trust you,
with my words,
for you would just,
tell me off.
i couldn't trust you,
with myself,
i knew you would,
hurt it.
i would never wanted,
just a friend,
not just any friend,
a special friend.
(by jessica soomer)
Award nih ell pass pd sume sahabat2 baru yg ada dlm senarai link kt sebalah ni.nk type satu2 jenuh lh uols...kalau rasa2 nama itu adalah uols,jgn segan2 nk amik ye....sayang uols sume....muah3x
Tahniah Ell dapat award..cantik sungguh award tu...kl bagi masa convo memang sesuai. Tadi mkn apa Ell buka puasa?
tq...pasni giliran shafa plak amik award nih...anggap mcm masa convo ek.cantik kn..?
alah..nasi n lauk biasa2 je..(asam pedas ikan parang,sayur + sup tulang lembu bersama macaroni special utk ank2...)
akak pun puasa biasa2 jer...
Thanx sudi ambik award ni ya...muahhhhh3x
cntik sgt award ni..
so lovely :)
poem tu pun cedap gak ;)
wah lovely this award..dtg sekali ngan poem tu ke..terharunya..tq eh ell..
time kasih utk akak eh...
cantek kn award nih.harus ditempel didlm blog kn...
poem tu carik tau..susah u...
iela,poem tu ciplak trharu kn...
thnks for the award yang...
same goes back to u tau..
keep on blogging!
wah dpt award lg..kelas..hehe
tq bagi perangsang..
ha'ah kelas award ni + cantek...
dengan tak malunya i amik iye ell.. tq iye sis for this sweet award & thoughtful poem...
jgn malu2...ell ikhlas nk bagi..
kay ell...sayaaaaaaaaang awk juge...amek blk award tuh eh...tok ell n family gak...
thanx..sweet betul award ni..
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